Prima 2013

Arhive Anuale: 2013

(English) CALM active involvement in development of Laws and Laws Amendment

(English) CALM is actively involved in developing new Laws related to LPA domain and amending the existing ones. Whenever a ministry, parliament committee, public agency or Local Authority is coming with proposals for amending laws related to LPA domain or comes with law initiatives, CALM is providing, on permanent basis, its legal opinion resulted from the consultations with its members.

(English) CALM active involvement in development of Laws and Laws Amendment

(English) CALM is actively involved in developing new Laws related to LPA domain and amending the existing ones. Whenever a ministry, parliament committee, public agency or Local Authority is coming with proposals for amending laws related to LPA domain or comes with law initiatives, CALM is providing, on permanent basis, its legal opinion resulted from the consultations with its members.

(English) Meeting of the Association of District Presidents within CALM

(English) On 29 March 2013 in Ungheni District Council took place the meeting of the Association of District Presidents within the CALM. The aim of the meeting, at which participated CALM leadership and Distric Presidents, was to discuss the most recent problems and developments that are faced by Local Public Administration.

(English) Meeting of the Association of District Presidents within CALM

(English) On 29 March 2013 in Ungheni District Council took place the meeting of the Association of District Presidents within the CALM. The aim of the meeting, at which participated CALM leadership and Distric Presidents, was to discuss the most recent problems and developments that are faced by Local Public Administration.

(English) Meeting of the Association of District Presidents within CALM

(English) On 29 March 2013 in Ungheni District Council took place the meeting of the Association of District Presidents within the CALM. The aim of the meeting, at which participated CALM leadership and Distric Presidents, was to discuss the most recent problems and developments that are faced by Local Public Administration.

(English) Meeting of the Association of District Presidents within CALM

(English) On 29 March 2013 in Ungheni District Council took place the meeting of the Association of District Presidents within the CALM. The aim of the meeting, at which participated CALM leadership and Distric Presidents, was to discuss the most recent problems and developments that are faced by Local Public Administration.

(English) Round table The need in statistical data to assess the impact of decentralization...

(English) On 28 March 2013 Congress of Local Authorities in Moldova in cooperation with UNICEF Moldova organized a round table The need in statistical data to assess the impact of decentralization on the LPA. The aim of the round table was to present the results of the policy study with the same title, which was aimed at the analysis of the situation and drawing up proposals for improving the process of data collection and monitoring within the Small Area Deprivation Indicators (SADI) database, as well as their dissemination process through DevInfo software platform.

(English) Round table The need in statistical data to assess the impact of decentralization...

(English) On 28 March 2013 Congress of Local Authorities in Moldova in cooperation with UNICEF Moldova organized a round table The need in statistical data to assess the impact of decentralization on the LPA. The aim of the round table was to present the results of the policy study with the same title, which was aimed at the analysis of the situation and drawing up proposals for improving the process of data collection and monitoring within the Small Area Deprivation Indicators (SADI) database, as well as their dissemination process through DevInfo software platform.

CALM solicită opinia membrilor în privința Hotărîrii Guvernului „Cu privire la limitele numărului de...

În adresa CALM a parvenit o solicitare din partea Ministerului Finanțelor al Republicii Moldova de a examina și de a aviza proiectul Hotărîrii Guvernului „Cu privire la limitele numărului de unități de personal și ale cheltuielilor de personal în autoritățile (instituțiile) publice finanțate de la bugetul de stat și de la bugetele autorităților administrativ – teritoriale pe anul 2013”.

Emisiunea ”Moldova în direct” din 25 martie 2013 (VIDEO)

În cadrul emisiunii ”Moldova în direct” din 25 martie 2013 au fost discutate o serie de probleme cu care se confruntă administrația publică locală, criza politică și subiectul descentralizării APL. Prin prisma problemelor abordate ce țin de municipiul Chișinău au fost atinse o serie de subiecte importante pentru întreaga administrație publică locală din Republica Moldova La emisiune au participat: Primarul General al Municipiului Chișinău - Dorin Chirtoaca, Directorul de program al ”Institutului de politici publice” - Oazu NantoiModeratorul emisiunii - Elena Robu

(English) Participation of CALM Delegation to the 24th Session of the Congress of Local...

(English) During 19-21 March 2013 CALM Delegation consisting of 20 mayors plus National Delegation of Moldova – 5 persons (mayors and districts presidents) participated in the work of 24th session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

(English) Participation of CALM Delegation to the 24th Session of the Congress of Local...

(English) During 19-21 March 2013 CALM Delegation consisting of 20 mayors plus National Delegation of Moldova – 5 persons (mayors and districts presidents) participated in the work of 24th session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

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