ALDA Skopje is organising a two-day International Seminar entitled “Cooperation on the governance of migration in Western Balkans and Central European countries” that will be held on 20 and 21 June 2016 in Skopje, Macedonia.


The Seminar is in the framework of CEI – cofounded project: “WELCOMING – Wanting Europe as Leverage for Co-operation on the Migratory Insertion Governance”.

The event will be opened on World Refugee day, 20 June and will gather 27 partners from 11 countries and more than 70 international participants in Skopje, Macedonia. The Seminar is dedicated to migration management, coordination on local, national and regional level as well as good-practices sharing and intercultural education. 

The concept is to present every aspect of migration management by the exchange of experience and open debate on various questions targeting the good management of local authorities and civil society organisations involved in actions on the subject of migration management. Participants will be representatives of municipalities, local associations, CSOs, and other relevant structures coming from all around Europe, but especially from Western Balkans and Central Europe. The seminar will be led by professionals in the area of humanitarian relief, cultural mediation, local governance and active citizenship.

Experts and key note speakers will be addressing 5 key areas:

  • Effective migration management at local level 
  • Local policies managing diversity (risk mitigation, policies for integration: the role of local authorities) 
  • Immigration as an opportunity for local development (the role of the local stakeholders: LAs, CSOs and the private sector)
  • The role of citizens: how to build intercultural dialogue and inclusive societies
  • A Networking component is also proposed as part of the seminar in order to build partnerships and further cooperation on this subject.

The Seminar is open to participants from all over the world who are interested in this issue. For further information or if you want to participate please contact ALDA office in Skopje:

This project is co-financed by the Central European Initiative (CEI), the financial assistance of EU, the Decentralized cooperation Normandy – Macedonia and the International Institute for human rights and peace in Caen.
