The project Capacity Building Measures of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe, NALAS, enables utilization, i.e. mobilization of EU funds. Target group are the employees of the associations of local self-governments and the NALAS secretariat who are engaged for funds applications for implementation of projects. The project lasts for 8 months and it is being implemented in two stages, the first, which is at the very end, was intended to find access to the funds through the so-called process of prioritization, screening, partnering, preparation of applications and identification of calls from European programs.
– The project has built one practical approach for capacity-building measures, which means learning at the workplace, using foreign expertise, in this case, from the region and from the FR Germany – said Hari Shutoski, Project Manager, GIZ ORF MMS
According to experts, applicants cannot submit ad hoc bids as they did before, instead, they have to bid through a pre-designed strategy of a specific program. Funds are not a problem, but the way to get to them is.
– The money is there, but the lack of financial capacities still remains as a main problem, as well as human resources who will be involved in the application process. On the other hand, the process of application itself does not represent a problem, but the process of implementation does. – said Joachim 
Larger municipalities have their own financial and human resources, but the real problem are the small and medium-sized local self-governments that lack both. The project of all NALAS member countries offers equal opportunities, first, in the aspect of information on the respective EU programs, then in the process of preparation of applications and ultimately, in the project implementation.
– I think that this process will be very helpful, and will result in an algorithm that will be available to all NALAS members where they can look at the schedule and find answers where and how to begin, starting from the project idea to the submission of the application – said Marike
The knowledge and experience acquired during the first stage will be reflected in the decision of the project partners to define the objectives and the results that should be prepared in the second stage.
