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Workshop on Public Procurements

During April 17 – 18, 2013 representatives of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova participated at a 2-day workshop on Public Procurement. The workshop was led by Steen Jensen international expert from Denmark, and Catherine Grib, local expert. The objective was to familiarize LPA representatives from Moldova with the best practices in public procurement, sharing the experiences and capacity building of LPA employees to better manage the process of such an important area as public procurement.

Workshop on Public Procurements

During April 17 – 18, 2013 representatives of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova participated at a 2-day workshop on Public Procurement. The workshop was led by Steen Jensen international expert from Denmark, and Catherine Grib, local expert. The objective was to familiarize LPA representatives from Moldova with the best practices in public procurement, sharing the experiences and capacity building of LPA employees to better manage the process of such an important area as public procurement.

Vulnerable groups – and their access to water supply services: a...

Access of vulnerable groups to services of water supply and sanitation was the theme of the round table that took place at the initiative of the Congress of local Authorities of Moldova on April 17, 2013 in CALM premises. The event hosted over 20 women mayors members of CALM Women Mayors Network.

Vulnerable groups – and their access to water supply services: a...

Access of vulnerable groups to services of water supply and sanitation was the theme of the round table that took place at the initiative of the Congress of local Authorities of Moldova on April 17, 2013 in CALM premises. The event hosted over 20 women mayors members of CALM Women Mayors Network.

Roundtable Inter-municipal Cooperation for improvement of local public services of water...

On April 16, 2013, in Chisinau at the initiative of CALM in partnership with the GIZ Moldova was organized the roundtable Inter-municipal Cooperation for improvement of local public services of water supply and sanitation: from theory to practice.

Roundtable Inter-municipal Cooperation for improvement of local public services of water...

On April 16, 2013, in Chisinau at the initiative of CALM in partnership with the GIZ Moldova was organized the roundtable Inter-municipal Cooperation for improvement of local public services of water supply and sanitation: from theory to practice.

Meeting of CALM representatives with the Speaker of the Parliament of...

On April 16, 2013 CALM Executive Director Mr. Viorel Furdui and CALM Programme Coordinator Mr. Alexandru Osadci met with Parliament Speaker Mr. Marian Lupu. At the meeting was discussed a broad spectrum of topics while the main focus was on Local Public Finance Reform and its unacceptable delay.

Meeting of CALM representatives with the Speaker of the Parliament of...

On April 16, 2013 CALM Executive Director Mr. Viorel Furdui and CALM Programme Coordinator Mr. Alexandru Osadci met with Parliament Speaker Mr. Marian Lupu. At the meeting was discussed a broad spectrum of topics while the main focus was on Local Public Finance Reform and its unacceptable delay.

(Română) CALM solicită opinia membrilor în privința proiectul legii pentru modificarea...

(Română) În adresa CALM a parvenit o solicitare din partea Ministerului Educației al Republicii Moldova de a veni cu un aviz cu privire la aprobarea proiectului de lege pentru modificarea şi completarea articolului 62 din Legea învăţămîntului nr.547-XIII din 21 iulie 1995

(Română) CALM solicită opinia membrilor în privința proiectului legii pentru modificarea...

(Română)   În adresa CALM a parvenit o solicitare din partea Ministerului Justiţiei al Republicii Moldova de a veni cu un aviz cu privire la proiectul legii pentru modificarea articolului 7 alineatul (1) litera a) din Legea nr. 768 - XVI din 2 februarie 2000 privind statutul alesului local   Proiectul de lege vine sa clarifice redacţia actuală a lit. a) din art. 7 alin. (1) al Legii privind statutul alesului local, stabilind clar că alesul local va fi în situaţie de incompatibilitate în

(Română) Descentralizarea, de fapt, înseamnă depolitizarea, crearea centrelor de dezvoltare în...

(Română) După adoptarea Strategiei privind Descentralizarea Puterii a avut loc Congresul Autorităţilor Locale din Moldova, la care s-a adoptat o rezoluţie foarte dură la adresa puterii centrale. Ulterior au avut loc şi dezbateri cu participarea legiuitorilor. De comun acord, deputaţii au ajuns la concluzia că lipseşte voinţa politică pentru implementarea reformelor în administraţia publică locală. La acest sfârşit de săptămână, vorbim despre puterea locală, care se consideră a fi baza ţării. Europa Liberă: Vom încerca să căutăm răspuns la întrebarea dacă

(Română) Autoritățile publice locale din Republica Moldova sunt lipsite de dreptul...

(Română) În Republica Moldova continuă procesul de limitare a autonomiei locale!

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