Tatiana Badan, Mayor of Selemet (Moldova), President of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) and President of the Network of Associations of...
Tareuca commune in Rezina district is a beneficiary of technical assistance under the partnership between the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova CALM, the...
Rezina Municipality is one of the beneficiaries of the technical assistance provided in the framework of the partnership between the Congress of Local Authorities...
The Municipality of Criuleni received technical assistance in a project supported by the Norwegian Government as a result of a partnership between the Congress...
Ion Plamadeala, mayor of Izbiste village in Criuleni district, believes that the support offered by the Kingdom of Norway to strengthen the technical and...
Ion Plamadeala, mayor of Izbiste village in Criuleni district, believes that the support offered by the Kingdom of Norway to strengthen the technical and...
The Municipality of Criuleni received technical assistance in a project supported by the Norwegian Government as a result of a partnership between the Congress...
PLATFORMA, the pan-European coalition of towns and regions, and their associations active in city-to-city and region-to-region development cooperation and NALAS, present the first Decentralised...
The technical assistance, provided by the Norwegian Mapping Agency in the framework of the partnership between the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova (CALM)...
Mayor of Causeni Anatol Dontu is confident that the support provided by the Norwegian Mapping Agency, in collaboration with the Land Registry and Cadastre...