After the conclusion of the XVIIIth edition of the Moldova Regional Economic Forum, held from July 4 to 6, 2024, in Vatra Dornei, the Center for Regional Development Analysis and Planning (CAPDR) initiated a process of collecting feedback from participants to evaluate the impact and usefulness of the event.

In this regard, a set of three essential questions was formulated, aimed at providing a clear perspective on the benefits obtained by participants and identifying their needs for future editions of the Forum.

calm ferm 2024 - Moldova Invest

The first question concerns the general evaluation of the usefulness of participating in the 2024 Moldova Regional Economic Forum, asking participants to describe the new information or relationships acquired and to explain how these will be applied in the development of the communities they represent. This reflects the organizers’ interest in understanding the direct impact of the event on regional development and local initiatives.

The second question focuses on identifying the type of support or resources that participants would find useful from the organizers to support their regional development efforts. Through this question, CAPDR aims to improve the quality and relevance of the support offered in future editions of the Forum.

Given the decision to organize all future editions of the Forum exclusively in Vatra Dornei, under the name “Moldova Regional Economic Forum from Vatra Dornei,” participants were also asked if they are interested in attending the XIXth edition in 2025 and what suggestions they have for improving the event. This question aims to involve participants in the planning and optimization process of the Forum, thus ensuring active participation and increased relevance of the event.

These questions reflect CAPDR’s efforts to align the Moldova Regional Economic Forum with long-term strategic objectives in the context of regional development and European integration, with 2030 as a reference horizon.

Director of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM), Viorel FURDUI

What do you consider to be the usefulness of your participation in the 2024 Moldova Regional Economic Forum? What new information or relationships did you acquire, and how do you intend to apply them in the development of the community you represent?

Our participation, the CALM delegation, in this event should be viewed from two perspectives: as a team/institution (delegation) and on a personal level. Institutionally, cooperative relations were established with both C.A.P.D.R. and ADR North-East, its leadership, and team. Future cooperation opportunities have emerged.

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We became familiar with updated information on regional development in Romania: implemented programs/projects, development directions, etc. The debates and opinions of the participants regarding the issues/challenges faced by regional development in Romania, including the issue of administrative-territorial reform, were also interesting. The interventions and positions of the guests, including representatives of the government, counties, and MEPs, were noteworthy.

Another useful aspect was visiting specific tourist sites, the result of regional development projects that transformed previously underdeveloped localities into ones with impressive growth. It was a suitable opportunity for the exchange of experiences between participants from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

As a candidate state for EU membership, where regional development is in its early stages and accessible funding is very limited (compared to Romania or other EU countries), the Republic of Moldova has much to learn and apply, especially regarding both negative and positive experiences.

On a personal and professional level as a director, in addition to the aforementioned aspects, the accumulated information and organizational elements of such events proved useful in establishing new relationships with the CAPDR leadership as well as representatives of other participating organizations and institutions.

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What type of support or resources would you like to receive from the Forum organizers to support your regional development efforts?

As the sole institution that brings together all local public authorities (LPA) from the Republic of Moldova and a partner of the Government, we identified the following needs:

  • The need for joint promotion of an appropriate and updated institutional, legal, and policy framework for local and regional development;
  • To bring closer the existing regional development systems of the Republic of Moldova and Romania;
  • To systematically organize such events through cooperation;
  • To intensify cooperation between all levels of public administration (private and associative sectors) to establish partnerships, exchange experiences, and increase efficiency in attracting funds.

In the same context and in the context of Moldova’s EU integration, we identified the need to create information centers/exchange platforms to facilitate continuous training and experience sharing between LPA/public sector from both countries.

Are you interested in participating in the XIXth edition in 2025, and what suggestions do you have for improving the event?

We are interested in this initiative and consider it appropriate to expand the number of guests, including representatives from countries with successful regional development experiences such as Poland and the Czech Republic. We also propose inviting EU structures responsible for regional development, as well as representatives of all local public administration associations in Romania (ACoR, AoR, AMR, UNCJR).

It would also be desirable for leaders of regional development structures from the Republic of Moldova to participate.

It is important that each panel includes representatives from various countries to share their experiences. Additionally, it would be beneficial to expand the participatory nature and duration of the event to allow more participants to express their views.

Finally, we consider it necessary to draft formal addresses, statements, or position papers directed to relevant institutions or authorities, highlighting achievements and identified issues along with proposals for regional development.
