The mayors of the Republic of Moldova ask the new governance to implement urgently the decentralization reform. They support that in our country the decisions are taken by a small group of persons, according to a system inherited since the Soviet period and the money is distributed to the Town Halls on political criteria.

In these conditions, the villages of the Republic of Moldova remain poor and the reforms remain written on paper.

The mayors of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM), organized today a press conference. They appealed to the governors, urging them to pass to actions.

“Because of the system excessively centralized cant be developed the localities. In the conditions of such system, we talk in vain about the fight against corruption, about a reformed justice, of other reforms in the economic, social fields. We stay on the same place. A certain group of political forces own the whole power upon the state resources and this excessive centralization is the source of all problems. We cant develop, if all the decisions are taken by a certain group of people”, declared the executive director of the CALM, Viorel Furdui.

“We need an environment in which we could solve the citizens problems. The people are very disappointed of the lack of progresses relating to the fight against corruption, relating to the involvement of politics in the areas where it shouldnt involve. They want a pragmatic, mature governance”, mentioned the Cimislia Mayor, Gheorghe Raileanu. He considers that at the governance mustnt remain people suspected of corruption and with tarnished reputation.

The mayors asked the central authorities to permit the access of a CALM representative at the meetings of the Govern, with advisory vote. Also, it would be imperious the participation of a representative at the Legislative meetings.

“Obviously, on the psychological plan nobody wants to give the power willingly. It is tempting to direct everything. In the states where there is dictatorship, for example in Belarus, the power is from top to bottom”, also said the Cimislia Mayor.

“Some APL representatives try to find a better place near different parties from the governance. In this excessively centralized system, we know very well how is shared money: strictly after political criteria. The public money which belongs to everybody is shared after absolutely not objective criteria. In this way, the mayors are dependent on those who manage this money”, added Viorel Furdui.

They request the urgent adoption of the remaining bills, adopted in the first reading and which target the real consolidation of the local autonomy of the Republic of Moldova.

The Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova gathers representatives of 600 local governments from the whole country.
